For an analog-ish noise on digital synths and sampled waveforms, usage Fruity Fast.

For an analog-ish noise on digital synths and sampled waveforms, usage Fruity Fast. Dist with simply about adequate to get some good taste within the range that is high then a highpass filter on Fruity Parametric EQ2 with available Q around 22khz. Alternatively, Blood Overdrive will work with this too. For vocals, Fruity Compressor and Fruity Blood Overdrive are my go-to plugins. Compressor settings: -30db limit, complete ratio, 30db gain, fast assault and not-so-fast launch. You need to ensure that the vocal take can be clean as possible though, or otherwise all of that sound will probably kick you within the face! You can add a little bit of Blood Overdrive for extra violence if required. I understand that’s an old plugin and we’ve Maximus, but that thing did a great deal for me personally. It is hoped by me gets a revamp! Harmor is another beast I have tried personally to create great deal of bass hits and leads heard within my Reinventing The Bass samplepack. […]